Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Calypso's Heart

What is Calypso's Heart?  Well I'll tell ya the story.  We're a New England family that loves the outdoors and are animal lovers.  We are the home filled with crazy school and work schedules and of course our four-legged children.  We moved to Weare, NH just a few years ago after buying a cute little ranch on a dirt road just perfect for our little fam! We rescued a yellow lab retriever to add to the family.  He came from a high kill shelter in Tennessee and saved by a lab rescue team out of Mason, NH.  We figured why not? Let's get 

Dynanic Puppy Duo!
a dog. Don't most families have dogs around here? It's the country! Why not us and add more craziness to our lives!  So we adopted Eli, our butter soft mellow we thought! He is every bit a yellow lab, dumb, up to no good, dopey, loyal, and an eating machine and I mean eating machine!

Months went by and my stepdaughter, Cori wanted to move down to NH from Maine to start her summer job after graduation.  One night hanging out in the family room, we asked her what she wanted for her graduation gift, and she said this while pointing her finger at the computer screen.  So I look over her shoulder and it was a website of a dog breeder somewhere in Arkansas selling bull terrier pups.  We looked at the pictures for hours, so CUTE!  My heart melted, my husband groaned.  He knew he had no chance in saying no and that our family was going to get bigger.  So the process began and we bought her one of the puppies.  This puppy was no ordinary pup, she came with one very special feature. We looked at the pictures over and over and thought that she had an interesting mark on her face.  Yep, if you haven't guessed it yet.  It was a heart, not only just a heart though. A perfect black one right on the side of her cute little face.  We were anxious to get her up to New England and see for ourselves.  I took the day off to pick her up from Logan Airport. We got there so early and couldn't wait for the plane to land.  Longest wait of our lives, couldn't wait to meet our new family member.  They brought her off the plane, we signed papers and were new parents of a very happy, loving, ear nipping baby bull terrier.  My step daughter named her Calypso which means love.  And boy is she properly named.  She can't get enough attention and love from each of us.  The ride home that day was a little crazy but we were so happy to have her home as she jumped from seat to seat licking everyone's faces.  She was eight weeks old and just full of puppy life. 

I wish I had blogged our stories sooner.  Because so much has happened since Calypso came home. So much doggy drama but we love every minute of it.  Well, maybe not every minute of it.

Our four legged children rule the roost.  She being the strong and muscular white bull terrier that loves to eat fire and then there is dumb yella, our garbage sniffing, floor eating machine or should I say garbage eating, floor sniffing tyrant, I think both of these things have happened many times. The two make a very unique pair and the stories I will tell will hopefully delight.  Sometimes after a day of running after these two, I stare down at my feet and say to myself: "Self, what the hell did you get yourself into?" I tell family, friends and colleagues of our puppy adventures and I get the same responses over and over.  Kim, you should write a book.  I chuckle about these stories and I love making people laugh but I really suck at writing and I know it. I couldn't possibly write a book if I ever wanted to. But maybe blogging will do for now.

So tune in from time to time and I promise, you will be shocked, you will laugh and you may even cry.  Who would have thought a bull terrier and a yellow lab would be the best of friends! They are two peas in a pod....or should I say two pups in a pod!  Welcome to the Adventures of Eli & Calypso!

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